
Friday 21 August 2015

Year End Concert

Thursday, 20 August 2015. 

The Rehearsal:
The 3 weeks leading up to this had been "secretive". The Little Girl had been rehearsing at The Big School but no one spilled the beans as to what was going to be in the Year End Concert. I only knew some song excerpts she was practising and I helped her understand their context by allowing her to watch some of the music videos on YouTube.

On event day, I went to The Big School - a little clueless. Bean was at Playschool so The Other Half stayed in the city to handle his dismissal time etc. He had seen Annie, The Musical this year and sort of expected Year End Concert to be just as spectacular.

The Preparation At Home:
The night before, I had washed and ironed her stage outfit. Her class teacher, Puan J, rang me up earlier that evening to brief me as to what to do to help from home. A summary was then quickly relayed to all the mums in the WhatsApp group, so that we can all prepare. 

Our little family even went out to purchase her own set of cosmetics from Dior at KLCC. The Other Half did not want her to use my Dior in case she gets any allergy before such an important occasion. She had just recovered from a recent bout of food allergy. We thought we could save some money by buying her L'Oreal but since L'Oreal eye shadows irritate my eyes, we did not want to risk it. At Dior, we let chose her own eyeshadow (Tutu, which is an excellent choice!) but she allowed me to match her rouge and lip balm for her. She loves her first Dior!

The Concert:
Mind-blowing, impressive presentation was put up by Reception to Year 6 students. Orchestra was led by Mr. Ng, vocals and dance, lights and stage production, photography, programme and everything else were accomplished by students. The teachers have done a great job once again. Bravo!

They started the programme with school song, in a pop song tune (The Other Half later quipped that this would never have been allowed to happen in his alma mater). Well, creativity got the audience grooving and that was an excellent ice-breaker.

If anyone had been misled to think The Big School is academically stressful, they have not seen how vigorous the sports, music, performing arts, arts and etc are! Academic is, really, just one of the many wonderful aspects of growing. Thank you, Mamapumpkin. Your insights in the time leading up to our preparation for entrance assessment and start of school year have been so precious and helpful. Thank you. We are forever grateful.

This year, The Little Girl had been chosen as a co-emcee for the Book Prize Presentation for her class. Her name was called first, as she had to return to the rostrum for her part.

She read 13/26 names of her classmates out clearly, with the other 13/26 being read by her classmate, the ever smart and handsome MHZJ. They were both trained to sight the recipient and pace the announcement accordingly. The secret to this magic is the class teacher who stood by them to prompt them along the programme, credits to Mrs. R for having so much trust in them. Stage fright begone, syukur alhamdulillah!

Every single "dance and song" received oohs and aahs from proud parents and even prouder grandparents. This is one place where grandparents are acknowledged, appreciated and applauded. So truly beradab. So truly humble.

The highly-entertaining afternoon concluded with a huge applause from the audience. The Founder closed the event with a touchingly encouraging, witty and spontaneous speech. The school photographer took a few shots of the audience before everyone piled out in an orderly form and went home in high spirits.

Syukur alhamdulillah for such a wonderful experience. Even the rain clouds cleared up just before the event and stayed sunny throughout, masyaAllah! Looking forward to future years, inshaAllah


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