
Thursday 10 July 2014

Dreaded Flu

Time does fly and we are now at Day 11 of the Holy Month. 

Personally, the worst time to be ill is during Ramadhan. 

Beware of my rant ahead. 

Mine started at Day 9 but I braved it. At Day 10, I lost the challenge. Day 11 is the day I have to see the doctor for some help. My body succumbed to the flu virus despite my willpower remaining strong. Body aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose. Typical symptoms of the flu. 

I took my Sahur meal yesterday despite feeling ill and by 10am my throat felt like it was on fire. Painkillers were downed alongside lots of fluids throughout the day. 

Anti-histamines, I forgot my anti-histamines! (Self-medicating, not good at all!). I wished I could just sleep but alas, we had to restock the fridge and run errands. I was determined to have a full fridge if I were going to be sick. 

This morning, The Other Half cooked his own Sahur meal as I totally did not hear the alarm clock. He said I was so out if it, even Bean did not stir when the alarm went off at 3.30 am. 

By Subuh, my throat was hurting again and some warm tea helped soothed it. Looks like it is going to be a morning at PCMC to see the doctor for some remedies. 

Then obviously I will have to cook and freeze the Sahur meals for the rest of the week (here is hoping I can fast once I get my once daily medication!). Ambitious, and in sha Allah. 

Do you have any flu remedies or tips for coping especially during Ramadhan? Please do share!


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